Five simple ways to create a more sustainable space


Five simple ways to create a more sustainable space

Posted on Wednesday, December 15, 2021

As each day passes, the sustainability movement is gaining more and more momentum. And with all the benefits that arise, it’s no surprise that homeowners are interested in joining the concerted effort to make the world a greener place.

But for many, the question is – where to start? While some upgrades and solutions certainly come with cost, there is still a variety of options that you can incorporate into your space – and routine – to make a significant impact on the environment, from changing your washing habits, to sprucing up your home with a plant or two.

Without further ado, here are five simple ways to create a more sustainable space…

Eco-friendly paint

Creating a greener home starts with the foundations, and by choosing paints that use natural binders and pigments, you can mitigate the risks to health and pollution caused by traditional options.

And if the paint is eco-friendly, it’s more than likely that the product packaging will be too!

Natural cleaning products

Natural, often plant-based, cleaning products are made with fewer chemicals and artificial additives than regular lines, plus they’re often cruelty-free. This means that they keep toxins away from your home’s water supply, out of your indoor air, and off your skin.

They’re sometimes a little pricier than regular products, but there are plenty of DIY solutions circulating the internet if you’d prefer to keep the shopping bill down. Take a look at some of the suggestions from Good Housekeeping to get you started.

Decorate with plants

Of course, plants introduce a great aesthetic to the home – but that’s not all they have to offer.

With a wealth of health benefits – from alleviating stress to eliminating air pollutants – houseplants can make a fabulous contribution to both you and the environment, making for a cleaner, greener, and happier space.

LED lighting

Investing in the right light bulb not only consumes less energy, they’re also better for the planet as they produce zero toxic elements and last a lot longer than incandescent or halogen bulbs.

This is super simple switch – and the options available mean you never have to compromise on style to make your home more sustainable.

Install high-performance windows

Low-performance windows have a detrimental impact on energy loss in your home. The good news is, new technologies such as nonconductive framing – plus airtight construction and installation –  can significantly improve competency.

Replacing single-pane windows with double-pane alternatives will result in increased energy efficiency, better protection of your belongings from sun damage, and a quieter home environment.

There are countless of ways to make your space more sustainable – and everyone’s impact matters. Whether buying new or improving your current environment, a few simple swaps and thoughtful investments can significantly improve the state of the world we live in for generations to come, and your sustainability efforts will pay you back — in savings as well as comfort.

Do you have some tips of your own that you’d like to share? Get in touch with us on FacebookTwitter, or Instagram. We’d love to hear your thoughts!

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